
My name is Daniel and this is my website!

I’m a scientist. Much of the writing on this site has to do with physics but don’t worry — I try to write for a general audience. I got rid of a bunch of miscellaneous blog posts when I rebuilt my website; I felt like the site felt too disorganized and unwieldy. (If you want more disorganized and unwieldy content, you can follow me on twitter at @doctorbowring.)

I’m also a father. This is new for me, as of 2019. In an effort to keep up with the torrent of new feelings and experiences that seem to accompany fatherhood, I started making a journal comic. Initially it was just for me, and then somehow my strips started making their way onto my website. I hope you enjoy.

You can get in touch with me through this contact form:

Writing some things down, in case it helps a little.